Saturday, January 3, 2009

New Year's Resolutions

New Years Resolutions, have you made any?
I don’t normally make resolutions, and I definitely NEVER put them in writing where people (my daughter and sister) can hold them against me and say, “But didn’t you say you were going to do this in the New Year?” But this year I’m going to make some, but I think I’m going to make them as I go along and not just sit here and think of a whole list. So far I have two:

1. I resolve to cook one new dish every weekend, starting today, and share pictures and the recipe with you guys. A post of this weekends new dish will follow.

2. I resolve to keep track of my family’s blessings, events and things in general to be proud of and thankful for and post them for my Thanksgiving post. I’m not going to list them throughout the year, I’m just going to keep adding them to a post scheduled to show up on Thanksgiving Day, so keep watching for that!

And as the year progresses I will keep adding to this list in an effort to better myself and make 2009 a great year for me as well as my family.

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