Normally my thrifting partner is my mom. We had a whole day planned for Saturday because Monday is my birthday and I had told her that all I wanted for my birthday was to thrift til we dropped and then a great lunch. But unfortunately mom took a spill in the kitchen, and while she's ok, she did bruise her little toe and she didn't feel up to wearing shoes, let alone walking.
My sister took pity on me and said that if I would go to J.C. Penney's with her, she would go to a FEW thrift stores with me. So somethings better than nothing right?
We hit the Discovery Store first. This store is sponsored by the American Cancer Society and it's one of my favs to hit after work on Friday as it's just down the street from my office. It's been a while since I had found anything good there, but this Saturday I found a pair of Lee Capri pants in light blue (not pictured), and the following. . .
This little butterfly picture was $5.00. A little pricey, but it's for the American Cancer Society so I don't mind spending more than I would have if I had found this at a yard sale.

but one of them met it's demise because everyone who uses my bathroom automatically assumes the light switch is there and they run into my butterflies. I had to secure the remaining two with tape. This new little butterfly friend fit perfectly on that bare nail, don't you think?

From the Discovery store on our way to J.C. Penney's we hit the brakes for an unplanned stop at an Estate Sale where I found this little treasure. And it was so difficult to photograph him as you know how fast hummingbirds wings flap! Good thing I have a great camera!
He flittered about my home until he landed next to my lovely little candlestick/piece of art? I'm not sure what this object is; but it's definitely beautiful. And I guess my little hummingbird thought so as well.They seem almost meant to be don't they?
Hummingbird cost me $1.00 at the estate sale! My sis purchased a jewelry box for $5.00 and three really nice heavy-duty knives for $1.00! And that was it for my thrifting yesterday. I won't even go into what I bought brand-new at J.C. Penney's because that was clothing and clothing whether vintage or brand-new is always ok to buy in my book! Plus it is my birthday tomorrow so I deserved it!!!
I did want to mention the curtains pictured below. I haven't had time to buy the curtain rod I want to use, this is just temporary, but I got these beauties at the American Cancer Society Discovery Store for a mere $8.00 a couple of weeks ago. I'll post pictures later with a nicer rod, but aren't they pretty? These are for my bedroom.
Here's the full shot. The picture on either side of the curtains are also thrift store finds, as is the little table my TV sits on and the mint green table cover is from the Discovery Store. I really don't like to buy new!

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