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This weekend was a lazy weekend and I didn't even leave the house on Saturday. Hey, that laundry doesn't do itself and those kitchen floors can only be so dirty before your flip flops start sticking to the floor! Actually, floor wasn't that dirty, just spilled Kool-Aid that didn't get mopped up well enough.
Luckily I did have a chance to hit the American Cancer Society Discovery Store after work on Friday and I discovered these pretty little hand towels with embroidered butterflies! Perfect for my butterfly themed bathroom. They were only $2.00 for the set and the money goes to such a good cause.
And I found this book for $2.00 which I've already started reading. Anyone else read this one?I'll let you know how I like it.
I also managed to sneak over to a Goodwill Store that I very seldom go to as it's out of my way.
There I found two really pretty charms. One was a gold medallion about the size of an Oreo cookie and it was engraved with some inspiring words such as Hope, Love, Peace, Tranquility etc. The other was a red stone set in gold. They were in the jewelry case and I asked the lady to hold them for me. She gave me a number so I could come back and claim them and I continued shopping. I didn't find anything else and know what I did then? I forgot that I had set those charms aside :-( Yes people, I left without purchasing them!
But don't despair, even if I don't find them I still received as a gift from my wonderful, thoughtful daughter these wonderful charms that she purchased during her weekend getaway to the beach.

I already strung one on the black cord so you could see how pretty they are going to look. I can't wait to wear that green one! She's too good to me!
Now I'm just waiting for my sister to get home as she left for the beach on Thursday and they always bring me a present! Happy, happy, joy, joy!
Now I'm off to Rhoda's to see what everyone else found. Have a wonderful week!
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