Sunday, April 4, 2010

Mosaic Monday - Birthday Cake, Purple Tongue and PF Changs

This past week was super busy for me. My cousin Stella who I wrote about here, came to visit with her lovely granddaughter Roni short for Veronica. We also celebrated my daughter April's birthday. On Thursday I left work at 2pm and picked up my mom, Stella and Roni and we headed to Fresno which is about an hour and a half North of Shafter where I live. April met us there as she lives an hour an a half  North of Fresno.

We got to Fresno about an hour before April so we went to Home Goods. I had never been to Home Goods but I'd heard lots of raves in blogland about this store and the great items you can find. It didn't disappoint! I loved it. Stella who lives in San Diego where they have a couple of them said she loves to go there when she needs to finds gifts for weddings and such.

I could have spent the whole night there, and probably half my paycheck :-)
I bought a set of pillows as my old ones have a permanent indentation where my big head lays. I also bought a little gift for my sister; some removable wall stickers with shells. There were four and they were so pretty. As soon as she has them up on her wall I'll make sure to share photos. I also bought a huge plastic bag that had such a pretty design for 99cents and that's what I wrapped April's gift in.

I could do Iwanna posts for days and days just with all the items I wanted at Home Goods. If you have one near you GO!

Finally April and Chorizo arrived and we drove to PF Changs to meet them. April had requested PF Changs for her birthday dinner. Roni of course was enchanted with Chorizo and who doesn't love to watch a little girl and a puppy play? But we were starving so we headed into the restaurant.

For those of you not familiar with PF Changes, it's a Chinese Bistro and they have the yummiest food. Even my mom who is a very picky eater loved it. We started out with their famous Crispy Green Beans. Sorry that we had eaten half almost all of them before I remembered to take a picture. They are so good I could make a meal on them alone.

Mom ordered another appetizer instead of a main course as she's not a big eater. She order the pork spareribs and they were delicious, falling off the bone, tasty!

I ordered the Better Lemon Chicken with the Shanghai Cucumbers. Loved, loved, loved the cucumbers. Wasn't thrilled with the chicken.

The birthday girl ordered the Kung Pao chicken and it was heaven on a plate. Next time that's what I'm getting.

Stella ordered the Beef and Broccoli and it was very tasty. The beef was very tender the broccoli very crisp. We all also had white and brown rice.

PF Changs also has the most ATTENTIVE servers ever. They took the cake from me when we came in and then our server brought it out and lit the candles and sliced it and served it on plates (I had forgotten to bring plates).

Roni was hilarious and had us laughing the whole time. At one point in the evening she shouted out, "This is the best night ever!" Needless to say that made April feel really great that everyone was having such a great time at her birthday dinner.

Roni also really wanted one of the deep purple flowers off of April's birthday cake, so you're going to love the following mosaic. It shows my cousin Stella (a beautiful lady) and her granddaughter Roni having a great time and Roni's tongue and teeth after eating the purple icing flower!

April was super happy that her Nana, my mom came with us as it was a pretty long trip for her. Here is a mosaic of the three of us and the yummy chocolate cake. Happy Birthday April! We love you!

Linking to Mosaic Monday with Mary from Little Red House, be sure to go by and visit all the others participating today.

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