Friday, May 14, 2010

Immaculate Mary

Immaculate Mary, your praises we sing;
You reign now in splendor with Jesus our King.

Ave, ave, ave, Maria!
Ave, ave, Maria!

Predestined for Christ by eternal decree,
God willed you both virgin and mother to be. (Refrain)

To you by an angel, the Lord God made known
The grace of the Spirit, the gift of the Son. (Refrain)

Most blest of all women, you heard and believed,
Most blest in the fruit of your womb then conceived. (Refrain)

The angels rejoice when you brought forth God's Son;
Your joy is the joy of all ages to come. (Refrain)

Your child is the Savior, all hope lies in him;
He gives us new life and redeems us from sin. (Refrain)

In glory for ever now close to your Son,
All ages will praise you for all God has done. (Refrain)

Historical Information

Text: v. 1 Jeremiah Cummings (1814-1866); vv. 2-7, Brian Foley (b. 1919)
Tune: LOURDES HYMN, 11.11 + Refrain (Grenoble, 1882)

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