Monday, January 24, 2011

My Life is a Blur!

So I've been having a tough time blogging!

Not because I don't have anything to say...pshaw! That's never a problem for me.

No the problem is my vision. Back in November I went in for an eye exam because I noticed blurred vision with my current glasses. They were about 4 years old, so I knew I probably needed new ones. I went in first to my medical doctor to have them check me out and make sure that it wasn't related to Diabetes, which runs in my family. It wasn't. (Whewwwwwww!) I'm not diabetic!

So I went in, got an exam and they confirmed my suspicions that my vision has degraded, but they said it was just a little bit, which I thought was good.

They had me choose a new pair of glasses, (even though my old ones were still great, they convinced me it was time for an upgrade to more expensive stylish ones.) I chose these:

Pretty snazzy huh? I love the "bling" on the side. Not really my cup of tea, but I've gotten so many compliments on them that they're starting to grow on me. They look really great with my complexion, so they're keepers.

The problem is the lenses. They've replaced them now 4 times and I still can't see through them! This is what my vision is like with these glasses.

Now...if I tilt my head as far back as I can and look through the bottom 1/8th of the glasses my visions clears up a bit and I can see well enough to keep typing or reading. But do you know how frustrating it is to work like this all day? And to blog like this? And to check your email, socialize on Facebook or play online games?

And I noticed last night while laying in bed watching TV that I have to keep re-adjusting my head and I still didn't see clearly! I'm at my wits end and ready to cry! I also don't have a clear far vision. I gotta tell you, this is really, really scary!

I have another appointment tomorrow and I'm hoping we can resolve this. I guess I could get glasses for just computer work and change them out to normal ones when I have to go outside the office or drive. I don't know. Has anyone else ever encountered this kind of problem? What did you do? How was it fixed?

I can't think of anything worse than losing my vision. I love reading and blogging and reading blogs.

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