Sunday, May 22, 2011

It's my 3rd Blogoversary

It's been three years now that I've been blogging.

I've had a lot of fun and gotten closer to so many people because of blogging.

I've also made lots of new friends through blogging.

I've learned a ton of new things blogging.

I've learned more about people from different areas of our great country and from different areas of our great world!

Through blogging I've learned to look at life differently because as a blogger your mind is always on how you're going to blog about this :-D

Most of all through blogging I've fulfilled a life long dream of being a writer and being constantly in the company of other writers.

Please don't forget to go over and enter my giveaway, just click here for the details on where and how to enter.

Thanks of stopping by and don't forget to show me some love by leaving a comment!

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