Monday, July 11, 2011

Happy Birthday Brett

As I sit down each day and think about the many blessings in my life, I realize that one of the greatest gifts I have been given is a wonderful husband! It was Brett's birthday last week and it was so much fun just being able to relax and share some time with him. As I sit there and think about Brett, I feel overwhelmed with emotions. It's funny to think that five years ago we were silly teenagers just graduated from high school in "puppy love". It's amazing to see how our relationship has grown over time. It has been nourished through the gospel and as we have relied upon our Heavenly Father and striven to make righteous decisions. I continue to look forward to our journey together as the years pass us by. Today however, I am just grateful for Brett and for the example and companion he is to me. He is so patient, humble, hardworking and kind. I am truly grateful for his example in my life! I love you babe! Happy birthday!

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