I probably own over 100 cookbooks. I’ve had subscriptions to every cooking magazine available under the sun at one time or another. I’ve got a bazillion recipes saved in my favorites under a folder entitled RECIPES. I’m subscribed to every cooking blog on the whole Internet! I can tell you what ingredients are in almost any recipe you can think of. But I don’t really like to cook! Seriously, I don’t like to cook.
Which is a good thing. If I did like to cook, if I did make all bazillion recipes in my little folder, if I cracked open one of those cookbooks and just started preparing all those wonderful recipes, who would eat it?

(Photo of Pumpkin Bread I made last year, just so you can see that I can bake!)
Then I stop to think… who is going to eat it? I definitely don’t need it. It’s filled with carbs and sugar, and I know that if I were to bake it I wouldn’t eat a bite. So I think, “Well you could bake it for your mom and your kids”. But then I think, “Mom can’t eat the whole thing; my kids don’t need to be eating all that sugar either”. I could bake it for my co-workers, but I know that at the office we are all constantly watching every bite we eat. In fact just the other day a client brought us a box of doughnuts and only our receptionist ate one, the rest we threw out 3 days later! I hate to see food go to waste!
So that started me thinking about all those cooking blogs I love to visit and Oooh and Ahhh over. Who do those people feed that food too? If they’re feeding it to their families don’t they worry about the calories, the carbs, the sugar?
I guess maybe it’s a good thing that I don’t like to cook much so I don’t really have to worry about it. But what about you guys out there in blogland. Do you cook a lot? And if you do, who eats it? I guess for now I’ll just continue to Oooh and Ahhh at pictures and not at the real thing baking in my oven. I’ll just toss all those spices into a pan with water on the stove and let them simmer, that way I can still have the scent of Fall without worrying if my clothes are going to fit!
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