Tuesday, December 20, 2011

A Year in Review

This past week Brett and I were out to dinner. We started
 reminiscing about things that have happened to us in the
past year. There seemed to be a lot of things we listed off.
 With that being said my friends, here are our
  highlights from the year 2011...

We are by no means perfect, but Brett and I have definitely
 grown closer together this year than we ever thought possible.
We have encountered circumstances where we had to depend 
completely on our Savior and trust in our Heavenly Father's plan.
 It has defined our marriage. 
We have found true joy as we have learned to serve and support
 each other.  I think we would both agree that there is no 
way we would take back our first year of marriage for anything.
 It has been a blessing and growing experience for us both. 

To celebrate our first year anniversary, Brett and I 
went to Phoenix, AZ. It was a wonderful time to be able to
 get away and spend time together. For our anniversary Brett took 
us out to a pretty sweet Italian restaurant, and following our meal, 
we took a moonlight ride in a gandala. It was a perfect 
getaway to celebrate our first year of marriage together. 

Quand tu arrives a Paris tu ne veux pas partir
We both agreed, that by far, one of our fondest memories of the
 year was when we went to Paris together. What a spectacular
 experience that was. We had such a blast spending time with
 Brett's parents and Marie. We often talk about the magical
 things we saw, and can't wait for the next opportunity
 we will get to go back.

For me personally, the most wonderful thing about going
 to Paris, was seeing the people that Brett loved while
 serving his mission. While the Eiffel tower was immaculate
 and Normandy was inspiring, nothing beat watching Brett's 
emotions as he reunited with some of his converts.
 It showed me what a good man I had  married.
 Someone who shows his love for the Lord, by
 serving others with his whole heart. 
That was an experience that I will forever cherish

In April, we were contacted by a couple in Brett's home ward
who were leaving to serve a mission in the Nauvoo temple. They 
wanted to know if we would be willing to "house-sit" while they were
away. Brett and I were VERY excited about the opportunity to move
to Orem and be in a safer neighborhood and closer to family. It was truly
an answer to our prayers. We moved in April, and have just 
 loved living in the Mountain Rose area. 
We will be staying until next Sept.

We actually moved back into Brett's homeward. It is so fun to see
how many people know and love Brett. So many people come up to
me and tell me how lucky I am to have such a wonderful husband (and 
I must admit they are right!). Right when we moved in to the ward,
 Brettand I received callings. We were thrilled to serve. I have been
 serving in the Primary, teaching the sunbeams, and Brett has
 been serving as theDeacons Quorum adviser. 
Both of our classes are LARGE and BUSY (for 
lack of a better word). We have both grown a ton in our callings, 
and have loved the opportunity to serve the ward members. 

Last year, Brett worked hard to get through the Junior Core 
program of accountancy at BYU. At the beginning of the year he applied
for the masters program. It is a REALLY competitive program, and we 
both prayed that he would get in. In May we found out that Brett was 
accepted. He has just finished up his first semester in the masters
 program (only 3 more to go!!!). I am so proud of Brett and the 
hard worker he is. Brett is so humble when it comes to school.
 He is a team player and wants to see all those around him succeed. 
I think that is what makes him
such a great student. 

Also, some other exciting news... As a part of the accounting program,
many students apply for working/paid internships to provide them with
actual job experience. Again, this is HIGHLY competitive... especially 
among the top accounting firms. Basically, if you score yourself an
 internship,you are ensured a job at the end of graduation.
 In October, Brett was offered a winter internship with a
 major accounting firm (Deloitte).We are both really excited 
about this opportunity. He leaves at the
beginning of January and will get back in April.

We both agreed that one of our favorite memories of the year
was spent at Glacier Park with the Cosgrove side of the family.
My Nana and Pumpa had put a lot of time and effort into 
planning our family reunion. We both had a blast playing cribbage....
(which might I add, Brett is now a HUGE fan of. We truly are soul mate)s.
We also still laugh about our time going white water rafting and playing
pool volleyball in the rain. More than anything, I think we enjoyed
not only the time we got to spend together, but with family. 
It is rare occasion that we get to spend time with my family,
because they live so far away (Alberta). We loved being able
to sit down and chat with different family members and create some
wonderful memories. It was a great vacation and a time I think 
we will both forever cherish.

By far one of the best things we we were able to do this
year was work in the temple. That blessed our lives in ways
we can't even begin to describe. It was incredible to be able 
to serve in the Lord's house. We both learned so many things. 
The temple is truly a house of learning and refuge. During this time
we gained a new love and appreciation for the temple and our 
covenants. We are planning on continuing our service when Brett 
gets back in April.

The biggest lesson we have learned during the year 2011, 
is to be constantly grateful for the things we have in our
lives. When you look at the big picture, it is easy to see
how blessed you have been in your life. It's when we
start to focus on the little things and get lost in the chaos
of the worlds views, that we loose sight of all the tender mercies
and things the Lord has blessed us with. This is principle
that Brett and I have been constantly trying to focus on 
throughout this year. We have been SO blessed. We love
each other. We have grown together. We try not to take
for granted any time we get to spend together. As we have 
focused on the many good things we have been blessed with in 
our lives, we have found sincere joy. 

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