Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Christians Praise the Paschal Victim (Victimae Paschali Laudes)

See also the original Latin plainchant: Victimae Paschali Laudes

Christians praise the Paschal Victim
Offer thankful sacrifice.
Christ the Lamb has saved the sheep;
Christ the Just One paid the price,
Reconciling sinners to the Father.

Death and Life fought bitterly
For this wondrous victory;
The Lord of life who died
Reigns glorified!

O Mary, come and say
What you saw at break of day.
"The empty tomb of my living Lord!
I saw Christ Jesus risen, and adored!"

Bright angels testified,
Shroud and grave-cloths side by side!
"Yes, Christ my hope rose gloriously.
He goes before you into Galilee."

Share the good news, sing joyfully:
His death is victory!
Lord Jesus, victor King, show us mercy.
Amen. Alleluia!

See also the original Latin plainchant: Victimae Paschali Laudes

Background Information (Wikipedia)

Words: Ascribed to Wipo of Burgundy (c. 995 - c. 1048)
Music: Plainchant, Mode I

See my other blog postings in the plainchant series.

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