Better late than never I'm posting my birthday blog. Birthdays have always been difficult times for me. I think it all started way back in 1959 when I turned 1 year old. My parents threw a huge party for me, inviting all my relatives. As the story has been told to me, my dad and all my uncles, for whatever reason, decided, after a few beers, that it was boring on the farm and they all drove into town and left me and the rest of the womenfolk at home!
Once in town, they hit the bars. For some reason or another, the got into a fight with others in the bar and they were all arrested. My mom has the newspaper article that says, "Arrested for Disturbing the Peace" and then it lists my dad's name and several of my uncles.
And my birthday's have sucked ever since! Well for the most part. I have had some memorable birthdays. On my 15th birthday, I didn't get a quinceneara, but there was still a big party because my aunt Lupe was married to my uncle Gilbert that day. And to mark the big event for me, my mom and dad had delivered to my grandparents house in Santa Maria (where we were staying for the wedding since at the time we lived in Arizona)15 red roses. Those were my first roses ever and I will never forget them!
I also remember my 21st birthday, because my ex husband, who was then my future husband took me to Magic Mountain for the day and we stopped on the way back at a bar that served these wonderful little drinks in hollowed out pineapples with little umbrellas. I felt like a movie star and so special. Needless to say I had more than one of those little drinks and don't even remember the drive home.
And for my 50th birthday, my sister Lisa made it special by taking me to Santa Barbara for the day. We had a blast as you can see from the slide show below. Thank you Lisa, I love you and as you can see...you're in the top 3 of awesome birthdays!
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