I spent the first 4th in my new home last night. Wait, but last night was the 3rd wasn't it? Well, in Shafter we celebrate the 3rd of July. Why you ask? Well, as I understand it, pyrotechnicians are hard to come by and apparently Shafter can only afford one the day before the big day. But that's ok, we have gotten used to it and actually it's easier and extends the holiday. On the 3rd we go to the football field at the high school and watch the display there, then go home and go to sleep. Then on the 4th, we can just stay home and display the fireworks we've purchased.
This year I didn't go to the football field, just wasn't up to it. So when they started I ran out to my front yard and oh my gosh!, it was just like being at the football field! They were that close. I was standing out front leaning on my car feeling sooooo lonely because I was alone when a car parked in front of my house and two women with 4 little girls got out and started getting their lawn chairs in order to walk over to the high school which is about 3 blocks away. The little girls were complaining about having to walk so the ladies asked me if it was ok with me for them to sit on the sidewalk, I offered to let them put their chairs in my driveway so they could get a better view, they were so grateful!
Then I called my sister, Lisa, and told her how close the fireworks were to my house and she said, I'll be right there. So she came over with her son Sean and his childhood friend Alvin. So without even planning it I had a whole party of people there!
What a country! This was a favorite saying of the father of a great man who died last month, Tim Russert, and I agree totally. What a country! I know we have lots of problems right now with gas prices being so high, unemployment being so high, food prices being so high...ok, everything but our salaries being so high, but all members of my immediate family this year are living the American Dream. We are all homeowners, we are all gainfully employed, our children are all safe and healthy. We don't have all we want, but we have all we need and we can thank two people for that, our parents, Tome and Federico.
Tome and Federico both worked hard their whole lives so that their children and their children's children could have more and be more than they ever had or dreamed they could be. I appreciate so much the hard work and sacrifices they made for us, for making sure that we were all born Americans!
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