Halloween Display. Hey, it's not much but at least I sort of got into the spirit of things! I just have a thing for Wind Socks, I love them. I've had this one for more than 5 years and I have them all hanging in my garage. You'll see them in an upcoming post this next week that I've been meaning to do...but more about that later. Just look for the "Indiana Tata and the Temple of the Garage" post. daughter's contribution to my Halloween Display. She carved a pumpkin, but she wasn't going to be home so she gave him to me. The first and second pictures I took in the morning on the way to work. The last picture I took when I got home and it's lit up, but you really can't tell. She also gave me all those cute little ones that I'm going to bring back in tomorrow and put on my table as a Thanksgiving Display. Thanks April, love them!

Third is my boss Michele's Jack-o-Lantern. She bought a special book with templates to create a Jacko that would have a design on the front and then have a carving on the back that would display a shadow on the wall behind it. Did I really think she was going to do it? No, but darn her if she didn't prove me wrong. She did an amazing job and inspired me to try to do one next year.

Lastly is the display my bro in law did. Every year his son Ikie has a party with a few friends and G (when you see G, that means my brother in law), so G grills them up some burgers and dogs and does some decorations and gets them scary movies to watch. Well this year he really out-did himself. He made headstones and he and my sister had a good time thinking up the names on them. They're pretty self explanatory, so just enjoy the pictures!

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