Friday, February 27, 2009

Captivity ~ Day Five

Well it's Friday. The last day of my vacation so to speak. Today did get a little bit boring. I did my dishes, cleaned up around the house a little bit. Decided to do my Modge Podge Plate project and realized I didn't have a brush. So I watched Gran Torino with Clint Eastwood.

I have always loved Clint Eastwood. He is the coolest man God ever made. And this movie was no exception. Even though they made him wear old man pants pulled up to his nipples like Erckle/Irkcle? he still looked like the man I would must trust in the whole world if I had to get out of a deadly situation alive. I love his droll sense of humor. Watch's good.

So then my son went to the 99cent store and bought me some sponge brushes and I started on my project! Yipee! I took pictures, but I'm not going to post them until the whole thing is complete. I hope it turns out well. I made them several years ago. I made one for each of my sister in laws, Connie and Norma and one for my sister Lisa and I never ever saw them displayed anywhere! So now I'm making two for me. One with a grape design for my kitchen since I'm trying to do grapes in there and you can't find a grape decorator plate anywhere, and another one with butterflies and flowers that I want to hang in my room, but it may look better in the bathroom.

I actually went outside today and got some more was great. Being in an office without a window all day is really something I am not looking forward to returning to next week. :0(

I even got to see my mom for about 10 seconds while she dropped off a gallon of milk and some Migas. And my sister came by for another 10 seconds and picked up some movies. So it was a good day, but I'm going a little stir crazy and while I don't want to go back to work, I sure do miss the stores!

And mom...the Migas were great!

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