Saturday, May 16, 2009

Back in Time

Remember when Tie-Dye Tshirts were in style? I remember being on my honeymoon and taking a trip to Morro Bay and buying his and hers tie-dye's that looked something like this only with more and deeper purple colors. Can you dig it? Groovy Man! Far Out! What it is! (That's the slang of the 70's, like remember man?

I wore out my shirt by the time my daughter was two, and by then, thanks to baby fat (not my own but the fat that I gained when I was pregnant with my firstborn) I was big enough to start wearing "his" tye-dye tshirt and I wore that one til it was in tatters.

Today I found out there was a style of tshirt in the 80's that somehow escaped me, they were tshirts that changed color with the temperature of your body so you had your own personal ever-changing tie-dye tshirt. Aren't these bad to the bone? Chill?

If I can't have one of these then you can "eat my shorts". And that's a short lesson on slang of the 80's which was made most popular by The Simpsons.

I really love these, but at $28 each, for a tshirt that I can't even wear to work, well...they're really not practical. But I think they're pretty "fly".

If you want one though, you can get them here!

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