Sunday, May 3, 2009

Dad's Birthday

Tomorrow is my dad's 78th birthday, but today is the day we all got together to celebrate him. It was bitter sweet but we all tried to make it a happy day. And at times, we forgot about everything that is going on and just enjoyed the day, spending time with each other and enjoying the kids.

My dad was the greatest father in the world. I once read a quote that said that the greatest thing a father can do for his children is to love their mother. And my dad loved our mother. I never once growing up felt that he didn't love her or ever feared he might hurt her...not once.

So to me, my dad was the greatest, he loved our mother, he loved us. Everything he did was for our mother and everything he did was for us. He never faltered, complained or made us feel guilty for how hard he worked for us.

And even as loved by my dad as I felt as a child I never imagine how much he loved me until I saw him love my daughter April. I would watch in awe as he looked at her with such love in his eyes that they glowed! He would hold her and talk to her with such tenderness and he would smile a smile of pure love, pride and contentment when he held her. I would watch him and I would think to myself, "My dad must have looked and spoken to me exactly like that, he must have loved me just as much as he loves her."

My fathers love was pure, unselfish and unconditional.

Happy Birthday Dad!

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