I've had to do a lot of yard work lately, and by lately I mean yesterday. Yesterday I came home with my sister and she and my mom and I went out onto the back patio at my house. We sat there and chit-chatted for a bit and then I came inside to go to the bathroom. When I came back out my mom and sister had the weed eater/edger out to do yard work, so I felt the only thing I could do is grab the lawn mower.
And so....work began. I'm glad we did it, thanks Mom and Lisa. My yard now looks lovely. I love it now, its so pretty. Except for one thing. This. . .

It looks like my rose bush has sprouted a branch that might or might not be a climbing rose. It hasn't bloomed yet, so I'm not sure it's a branch that will bloom or not. See how it separated at the bottom?

Iwanna one of these as well. Isn't this one really pretty and different?

I love the idea here of using an old ladder. I have a ladder just like this, but I still need mine, (to change light bulbs and stuff). So maybe this weekend I will look for something while thrift shopping, because I'm try really hard to not buy anything new...except for food, cause 2nd hand food just doesn't sound very appealing does it?
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