Friday, June 12, 2009

The Happiest Place on Earth

Guess where I'm headed tomorrow?

It's known as the Happiest Place on Earth (I've always thought my couch during nap time was the happiest place on earth).

Yep, I'm gonna go see Mickey!

M . I . C . . . K . E . Yyyyyyyyy

M O U S E!

I'm headed there with my daughter and my brother Fred's whole Clan!

Wish me luck because I don't know that I'm cut out for amusement parks anymore :0(
I'll be sure to post pictures when I get back.

I'm really excited because

1. I'm going with my daughter,

2. I'm going to be with my nieces Alicia and Beatriz,

3. I get to see Melissa experience her first time at Disneyland,

4. I get to experience seeing my brother Fred having fun for once!

and last but not least I get to see little Fred and Norma experience Disneyland!

It should be a fun time for all.

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