Della is very talented at so many things I don't know if I have enough room to list them all. She's a delightful blogger, I love reading her blog! She can be insightful...yet random. She takes awesome photos; many of which I would swear were taken by a professional. The cool thing about her photos is that she takes them herself using a timer on her camera. How she knows exactly when to pose, smile, jump, throw things is beyond me! She's currently attending junior college, she raises Nigerian Dwarf Dairy Goats, she an Allstar 4-H'r. What drew me to her blog is that most of the outfits she puts together she uses pieces she purchased at thrift stores! And on top of all that (as if that wasn't enough) she cooks, sews and makes jewelry.
I got tired just typing all that and she does that all day, every day. Again, a very talented young lady.
Back in September she hosted a giveaway of three separate jewelry pieces that she made herself with her own two talented hands! She called one the Windows Necklace and you can see a picture of that by clicking here. She called the next one the Red Letter Necklace, again click here to see that one. And last but not least, the Audrey Set which came with a pair of matching earrings.
I lusted after the Audrey Set since I love Audrey Hepburn & I loved the colors of this necklace...and lo and behold! I won!
I'm posting the photos of the Audrey Set which Della posted on her blog because her photos are much better and show the true detail and coloring better than my photos. (Oh...and by the way, the red cloth you see in my mosaic above is from a different giveaway I won recently! I know...I told you I've been lucky in the giveaway department of late, maybe I should buy a lottery ticket huh?)
Can't you just see Audrey Hepburn wearing this set? Wouldn't it have looked beautiful on her in this photo?
I've already worn the necklace and earrings about 6 times and I love them. They go with so many things, especially since I tend to wear a lot of black, white, grey and pink to work. Sometimes I wear the necklace with the clasp to the back and sometimes with it to the front because the clasp itself is so pretty.
Thanks Della for making this thing of beauty and for being generous enough to give it away! Everyone else, go visit Della, tell her I sent you and admire her blog, it also is a thing of beauty as is Della herself!
Also, I'm linking up to Mary at Little Red House for Mosaic Monday.
Please stop by there, say hi to Mary and visit some of the other Mosaic'ers.
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