Thursday, October 14, 2010

The Sisterhood of the Traveling Book

The other day I was visiting Anny from the blog Random She had a post that day entitled "Hungry: from Starving to Plus Size". The title of the post caught my eye. Anny was reviewing a book she had recently read entitled, "Hungry: A Young Models Story of Appetite, Ambition and the Ultimate Embrace of Curves".

She explains that the book is about a young model who tells her tale of going from a starving model to a plus size model. Anny was originally going to give the book away giveaway style by having us leave a know, the normal way one wins a giveaway. I of course went to leave my comment and noticed that the person who commented right before me was Della of Della Grace's Life; another blog that I read faithfully.

Della mentioned that she also would love to read the book. In my comment I mentioned that if I won the book I would forward it to Della once I was finished with it as I had recently won a jewelry giveaway Della had hosted so I had her address (more about Della's giveaway and what I won later).

That's when Anny came up with this great idea! She sent me this email:

Hi Alicia,

I like your idea for passing Hungry along so much that I decided to
cancel the contest and mail it to you. Hopefully you will be able to
review it on your site and pass it along to Della when you're done
too. If you'll forward me your address I'll get it out tomorrow after

Thanks for reading,

So I sent her my address and today I went to Anny's blog and noticed that she had written a follow-up post called, Hungry: The Sisterhood of the Travelling Book! What a cute title and such a great idea!

Anny posted a picture of the inside cover of the book and she had written on the cover that she received the book from Angela from Pretty in Orange at Pretty in, then she wrote in her name, Anny from Random

Once I finish the book, I will write in Alicia of Titere con Bonete and send it off to Della of Della Grace's Life who will read it, enter her info and send it to Mandi of Tidbits from the Tremaynes and from there...who knows where the book will end up!

I think it sounds like a great idea and we'll all be part of the Sisterhood of the Traveling Book! Great Idea Anny! I can't wait to receive the package in the mail. I'll do a review once I'm done. What a great way to recycle and share books we've enjoyed!

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