Thursday, February 2, 2012

Awhile back, someone asked Brett and me how long we could bear being apart from each other. I think we were both trying to act cool and responded by saying we would have no problem being separated for an extensive amount of time.
  I would officially like to RETRACT that statement
After only two weeks of being of being a part, I was dying! (I know, I know.... I am pathetic). It seems like SO much has happened since Brett has been gone (he is working as an intern in Phoenix for the accounting firm, Deloitte). Needless to say, I was SUPER excited last week when I got the opportunity to go down with Gary and Michelle to visit Brett! 

As an update, Brett is really loving his internship. He really enjoys the people he works with and especially likes the hands on learning. He has been working A LOT (about 50-60 hours a week), but he is trying to soak up the experience and take away all that he can from it.
 I am sure proud of that boy!

Some of my favorite memories from the trip included... going hot tubing just about every night, being able to cuddle up with Brett again, going shopping with Michelle at the Fashion Place Mall in Scottsdale (can we say humongous!?), watching political debates with Gary, looking at houses, going to Alto Ristorante, reading while Brett was working, and going to church with family.

Overall, it was a great and relaxing trip! Brett is flying up this weekend, which will be great!
 I am really grateful for anytime that I get to spend with him. 

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