Friday, March 9, 2012

KONY - 2012

All week I've been hearing on the news about a video that  has people talking. Hearing that there have been over $58 million views on youtube. But because I'm busy living my busy life and running around like a chicken with my head cut off, I had not had time to view it.

Today my sister emailed me and she said, "Do you know who Kony is? Have you heard about him?" I told her that I didn't, that I had heard snippets on the news all week but I really didn't know who he was. My sister shared a video on facebook that I am about to share with you.

Not only did this video touch my heart, but it made me realize just how global our world has become. I'd never thought of it before. Never before have we all been so connected and so able to make a change just by being a part of the whole.

Please watch this video and I hope it touches your heart and your mind just as it did mine.

I'm signing the pledge. I want to make Kony as famous and as well-known as George Clooney and Angelina Jolie. I want my voice to be heard. But mostly I want Joseph Kony to be found and arrested and tried for his crimes against humanity.

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