Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Life at 24

Well, I don't feel too different after my birthday last weekend. The only thing that seems to be 
changing in my life is that time seems to fly by a lot faster . It seems like just yesterday I was turning 
23 (or maybe that was the day before). Anyways, I must admit that I was very spoiled this past 
weekend as I celebrated my happy 24. I was showered with love and attention 
from all the people I love, and I would not have wanted it any other way. 
What were the top 5 memories from my 24th birthday you ask?

My mom has got to be one of the cutest and most thoughtful women alive. 
For my birthday she had planned a small family get together.
We ordered in Cafe Rio, started to watch "The Tree of Life" (which we 
couldn't make past the first 10 minutes--- unbelievably strange in our opinions), 
played games (including a Canadian favorite, "Crokinole"), and enjoyed
treats and dessert. My mom made my favorite peanut butter cupcakes
 (with cupcake liners,plates, and napkins that all coordinated---
 boy does she know what I love, all too well). Overall, it was super
fun and great to be surrounded by family! 

It was so exciting get to see Brett for my 24th. He always 
makes me feel so special, and it was no different on my birthday.
I was so grateful to be able to meet up with him in California
for a quick weekend getaway. We had lot's of laughs and enjoyed
a relaxing weekend together on the beach and at Disneyland.

We decided to go to Disneyland while we were in California
to celebrate my birthday. It was a hoot! (although, when we 
initially arrived, we were a little scared we weren't going
 to get in, due to a bomb threat! Luckily, it wasn't anything too scary,
 and they let us into the park mid afternoon)... Brett and I had a blast
running from ride to ride in the "happiest place on earth". Some of our
favorite rides included Indian Jones, Pirates of the Caribbean, 
and Buzzlightyear Astro Blasters (this is a ride I had never been on
 and Brett was adamant about introducing me to.
It certainly brought out my competitive side. Speaking of which,
 I totally dominated Brett on the ride... don't let him tell you otherwise).  

For dinner, Brett took us to the restaurant in the Pirates of the 
Caribbean ride. It was certainly a fun experience and the food was fantastic.

While we were waiting for Disneyland to open, we decided to go 
to Newport Beach. The weather was beautiful (about 80 degrees each
day), and it was awesome to walk barefoot together along the sand.
The scenery was beautiful and it was great to be able to chat and relax.

Overall, I got to do a lot of FUN things for my birthday. I mean, seriously, 
who just gets to fly for a weekend to Disneyland (I sure have an awesome 
husband for surprising me with that!). Even though I was super spoiled this 
birthday, I think that the thing I will remember the MOST, 
was being surrounded by the people I love. I am 
such a family girl and  it meant so much to me to be showered 
with love from my close family and friends. I realize it probably didn't matter 
WHAT I was doing, so long as I was surrounded by my awesome family and
 loving husband, it would have been a good day! I am one lucky girl!

Thanks to everyone for the birthday wishes! I sure love you all, 
and am sincerely grateful for your influences and love!

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