Sunday, November 25, 2012

the small things.
spontaneous dance parties in the car.
taking Lady on a walk. 
playing cribbage.
laughing over nothing.
falling asleep holding hands.

Growing up, my Mom used to always tell me, "Courtney it's the small things that matter..."
I remember rolling my eyes each time she would whip out the line and would think to myself "ya, ya ya..." 
but that woman was right.
The small things are what get me through a long day. 
They emphasize the good and diminish the bad. 
They make me want to remember every detail of our life together. 
They encourage me to live every moment to the fullest, recognizing life as a gift, 
and for that.... I got to thank you mom.

In the words of nacho life is good..... reeeeeeeaaaalllly good. 

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