Friday, May 17, 2013

Sunrise / All Creation Waits (John Michael Talbot)

Sunrise in the morning
Let all creation greet the dawn
And praise the Lord who created
Brother sun to open our eyes

For all of us would be blind
If not for the light of our Lord

For all of us would be blind
If not for the light of our Lord

(Romans 8:19)

All creation waits in the morning
All creation waits
For the sons of the Lord
For the Lord will pour forth His Spirit
To bring forth the daughters
And the sons of the Lord

The flowers bloom
And the water will be flowing
The rocks will shout
And the birds will sing to the Lord

Then all the world will sing in jubilation
Brother sun will shine
In the light of the Lord
Will shine in the light of the Lord
Will shine in the light of the Lord

Sunrise in the morning
Let all creation greet the new dawn

Composer: John Michael Talbot (b. 1954)

See my other blog postings in the Contemporary Catholic series.   

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