Thursday, May 2, 2013

Where are the Interesting People?

Oh my goodness! I am so bored. Thinking of joining the Army just so I can have some excitement in my life. Oh c’mon…who am I kidding, the Army wouldn’t take me if I paid them!

Image Credit: TopTimeLineCovers
Do you ever have those moments at your job when it just become repetition? I’m having one of those days/weeks/months/years! I would just like a little excitement, something out of the norm. But as I constantly hear from everyone I complain to, “You should just be grateful you have a job!” I am…I’m grateful! But is it too much to ask that things get a little more interesting?

 I work in insurance…I know, that sounds boring just from the get-go. But interesting people have to buy insurance right?

Image Credit:
 Keanu Reeves for instance. I’m sure he owns a house, cars, boat, definitely he owns a motorcycle? So why isn’t he walking into my office looking for insurance? Someone has to provide it for him right? Plus I’ll throw in lunch and a weekend trip (with me)! Yowza!

Image Credit: The History Channel

 I specialize in transportation insurance coverage, why can’t Lisa Kelly from the show Ice Road Truckers wander in or call me looking for insurance? I’m not sure I have a market for someone who makes a living driving a vehicle weighing over 80,000 pounds over ice covered Alaskan wilderness, but wouldn't it be fun just to chat with her? She and I would probably become BFF’s and maybe she would invite me along on a trucking trip with her, that would be a blast!

Image Credit: Forbes
Taylor Swift  reportedly just bought a small $17M cottage in Rhode Island. Ok, so I’m not licensed to sell insurance in Rhode Island, but again… wouldn't it be just awesome and out of the ordinary to have her call me for a referral? I have Google, surely I can find her an agent in Rhode Island that would help her…plus I have some great song ideas about ex’s too!

 How about you? Does your J.O.B. float your boat or is it just the job that pays the bills?

Disclaimer: Just in case my boss reads this post. Love my job, love my clients, love my co-workers, just need a challenge and some excitement thrown in!


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