Wednesday, November 13, 2013


I cannot believe how much my life has changed in a matter of a week.
I can honestly say that I have never felt more comfortable in my own skin.
This is what my life is meant for.
Motherhood is the most divine thing I have ever done.
It is also the hardest thing I have ever done.
It is exhausting and frustrating.
But it is worth it.
I am closer to my husband, my Heavenly Father, and myself more than ever before.
Those big eyes look up at me and nothing seems more important.
Nothing at all.
My love for our little Oliver is different than any other love I have ever felt.
It is simple, pure and enduring.
My love for Brett has grown leaps and bounds as we learn to parent together.
As we struggle through the long nights and yelping cries I can feel us growing stronger as a family and as a couple.
This little 8 pound human has changed me forever.

Cherishing every second in this new role and pray to never take it for granted.

A huge thank you to Jaimie Mclaws for taking these beautiful photos of our sweet Oliver.
Before I delivered I knew that I would want some newborn pictures of our little guy - and I am so glad we actually did it 
(even if Oliver did have a meltdown and nearly pee all over my white bed).
I wanted to remember these precious moments as a new family in our first home.
It is such a unique time in our life and beyond just capturing pictures of Oliver in cute little outfits 
I wanted to share our everyday life in our home. 

I absolutely love how they turned out. 
I changed some to black and white for printing, but they are also so beautiful in color.
Also, can't wait to share some of the adorable holiday photos she took of Oliver for Christmas!
Again, a HUGE thanks to Jaimie McLaws
If you are looking for pictures to be taken - she is your girl! 

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