But I do like to look at the daily blogging ideas that they give to get your creative juices going.
This one was from yesterday:
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
It would be so easy to list 10 things, 20 things, 50 things…but just one? That makes it so much harder because if you can only change one thing…just one…what would you choose?
The obvious choices would be cosmetic choices, change my weight, my height, the size of my lips, and perfect my vision so I wouldn’t need glasses…those kinds of things. But shouldn’t you choose something greater if you can only change one thing?
Maybe change my job? Find a more challenging career, something that makes me excited to go to work in the morning. Maybe become a dance instructor, but then you have to learn to dance and have some rhythm without tequila and Long Island Iced Teas! A race car driver? Yeah, that would be great! I can totally see myself doing that, but that would mean being gone from home for months on end. And then there’s that crashing thing that doesn’t really appeal to me. See…that’s the thing, I still don’t know what I want to be when I grow up!
I guess if I could change one thing it would be to have been a better mother. Being a single mother means that you are torn in a million different directions. Because I had to be mother and father to my kids I did neither job perfectly. I know that no one really does, but if I had to do my life over again I would have been a better mother.
I wouldn't have allowed the daily stresses of work and bills and groceries and dishes and laundry overwhelm me. I would have spent more time with my kids and been more patient with them.
Sometimes at the end of a hard day it was all I could do to use my last remaining bit of energy to make dinner, do dishes, help with homework, give baths, supervise tooth-brushing, read bed time stories and tuck them in. Yeah, I would change that.
But if my magic genie gave me three wishes then definitely I would wish myself to have a perfect metabolism/body and a super great, interesting job that paid well!
What one thing would you change? Think about it…it’s not easy!
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