Monday, August 25, 2008

Olympics are over, Democratic Convention begins and I had surgery

It's so sad that the Olympics are over, but I really enjoyed them while they were here, although the closing ceremonies were anticlimactic, but how can you really top the opening ceremonies? I doubt seriously London will be able to. I was happy to see that so many people were into the Olympics this time around! Especially the people in my family who usually think I'm nuts for being so into the Olympics. It's funny that when the Olympics first start you really don't know the names of very many of the athletes, other than the gymnasts. But by the end I felt like I was best friends with Michael Phelps, Misty May-Treanor, Kerri Walsh and Usain Bolt; they're win was my win and I felt their joy. I guess that's why I love the Olympics so much because I live vicariously through the athletes and through them, well heck...I won a bunch of medals!

And then tonite, I'm all ready for a night of re-run tv of some of my fav shows and what the heck is on??? The Democratic Convention! Now it's not just that I am a Republican that upsets me, it's just the fact that I really don't care about the conventions. I know I should, but I really don't, not this election anyway. I guess I've just been too busy struggling to get through each day to really care. And I know what you're thinking...that's why I need to care so that I don't have to struggle so hard to get through each day. But you know what? I'm resigned to the fact that every day will always be a struggle. So this time it's high gas prices, high unemployment rates, millions of homes in foreclosure, etc, etc. But we shall over come! Or this too shall pass! I have faith that I will make it through and that things will be okay because God loves little Mexican children!

And, honestly...I've been close to meeting the Grim Reaper and I've seen that there are more important things than the elections. Wow, how dramatic huh? Ok, so I wasn't even close to the Grim Reaper, in fact, the Grim Reaper wasn't even notified that I exist. But I did have surgery on Thursday, August 21st. I had a partial thyroid lobectomy. I wanted to post a picture, but I've been too groggy from the pain medication to take any. But all is well, for now. They did take out some nodules/tumors, whatever you want to call them and the doctor said he thought they were all benign, but he did send some samples to pathology just to be sure it isn't cancer. I have a god-awful scar and it hurts quite a bit, but I think all in all I'm doing ok and hope to go back to work on Thursday.

All I can say is I never want to have surgery again. Even though the people at the hospital were great and my family has been super in taking care of me, it's just not a walk in the park and if I never have surgery will be too soon.

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