Sunday, August 31, 2008

Plus side to having Surgery

I'm not a silver lining, glass is half full kinda person, but I have found the plus side to having had surgery and being incapacitated at home. What is it you ask? Well, it's the well-earned right to do absolutely nothing and spend days and days blogging, reading blogs, organizing blogs and posting blogs. Not to mention your mommy comes over every day and makes you breakfast and does your laundry for you :)

I know...I'm super spoiled. But hey, in my defense, I haven't had a vacation in over 10 years, except for the occasional couple of days off to attend out of town funerals! So I'm entitled am I not?

One of the blogs I've read and organized in my new little bookmarking tool, delicious is this one,

I am so in love with this blog and with Cathy, the creator and writer of this blog. She started posting a blog in January of 2008 and so far I've only read up to Mach of 2008 but I just read a post that is a story about a family of liqueur filled chocolate bottles, hopefully this link will get you to this story. I guarantee if you read this story you will be hooked on reading this blog every single day!

If you loved this story, you should check out her recipes. I don't usually read blogs and laugh out loud, but I did with this one.

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