Friday, August 29, 2008

My Creative Mind

I posted a few days ago about how my energy is coming back and a few details about my surgery, which I still have to complete. But I noticed that it was getting harder and harder for me to blog as my mind was just a blank. I couldn't think of anything creative or interesting to blog about (not that all my prior blogs are all that interesting and

But the last few days I've had lots of thoughts pop into my mind about future blogs. Today I was checking out a website called and I remembered how when I bought my house I wanted to put a saying over the doorway from the living room into the kitchen, so I found some I like and that's what this post is about.'s not that creative or interesting...but it is to me :-)

These are not in any particular order. I was going to organize them into the ones I want in the doorway, the ones I want in my bedroom, the ones I want in the kitchen, but NAH...that's really too much work and I'm kind of half devoting my brain right now to watching The Ellen Show!
I like these two for my sister's laundry room more than I like it for mine because I don't do laundry very often since it's just me. She, on the other hand, has a big, sweaty husband and two smelly boys, so she does a TON of laundry! I mean like very day, a couple times a day! She only knows two rooms in her house, the laundry room and the kitchen!

Those were cute huh? And very appropriate for her. Ok, most of these are self explanatory, so I'll just roll with them and only comment on the ones I feel are too deep for you to comprehend :-)

Ok, I'll comment on this one because I think this one is a keeper for putting it over the entry door into my kitchen from the living room. This is me...I love being at home. There is no where else on earth I would rather be. I love my home. I love to just sit there and enjoy my home. Sometimes when I leave for work I stand at the door and just look back one more time and think to myself...I love my house!

I'll comment on this one also because I'm trying to do my kitchen in a grapey, wine type of theme. I don't really care for wine, but a lot of things you can buy for your kitchen that have grapes also have wine and vice versa. It would be much more appropriate for me if it said, "I like to cook with Corona and occasionally... I even put it in the food." Hmmmm, they can custom make these to say whatever you want. I think that's what I'm going to do! I know it doesn't go with the grapey, wine kind of theme, but it works better for me. I guess I'm just a little more ghetto.

These next ones are sooooooooooo cool! Because anyone who knows me knows I love shopping, and I love shoes!

I like this one for the wall in my bedroom because my sister gave me a soap dispenser for my birthday that says, "Sing like no one is listening". See...I love to sing and I think I even have a pretty decent voice, and God has given me the gift of remembering the lyrics to every song I hear. I don't ever remember the name of the song or the artist, but I remember the lyrics and I love to sing while I'm cooking or cleaning house. My kids though hate it. They hate when I sing in the car and even more so when I sing at home. I keep telling them that someday when I'm gone they're going to wish they could hear me sing just one more time (they don't see it that way).

This next one is one that kind of matches the one about singing above, but I really want to put this on the wall above my kichen sink. It pretty much tells my kids, na nee, na nee, naa naa! :-P

I'll comment on this one, because I would love to put this one on a wall in my living room between my two little black shelves that I place Knickknack's and pictures on. I love putting up pictures of family and friends and there are people that like that sort of stuff and think it's great and then there are those people that think it's just more crap to clean, dust catchers, chincherio! But this saying says exactly why I love to display photos!

And that's it. I just got a call from my sister and I guess we're going to do a "Friday Night" tonight. We haven't done one in a long time due to my surgery and the weather and a few other obligations that we have had. So I'm off to drink wine coolers and eat guacamole and we're going to watch Kevin Costner in "The Guardian"!

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