But it's been a good year for this Iwanna. I had a lot of fun posting about all the things that Iwanna see, own, eat, buy, visit and more. That brings me to wondering what Iwanna in 2010.
Rather than make a list of New Year's Resolutions I'm going to Iwanna instead (less obligation and stress to Iwanna than to make resolutions).
#1 - Iwanna in 2010
Iwanna what we all wanna...to lose some weight.

Duh...you knew that one was going to be on the Iwanna list right?
#2 - Iwanna in 2010
Vegas BABY! I'd really like to visit Vegas in 2010. I have a niece that recently moved there and I would love to go visit her...Hi Alicia (she's named after me).

#3 - Iwanna in 2010
Jodi Picoult Books! I own a few of them, but I would love to collect all the books written by Jodi Picoult. So far every one I've read I've loved! (I threw this Iwanna wish in here because this one is probably the most likely to actually come true.)

#4 - Iwanna in 2010
Iwanna appear on the show "What Not to Wear"! I know, you have to be a really lousy or weird dresser and c'mon...I'm a darn good dresser. But still...it's an Iwanna wish so it doesn't really have to be a reasonable or realistic wish, it can be anything Iwanna and Iwanna go to New York and spend $5,000 on myself and hang out with Stacy and Clinton.

#5 - Iwanna in 2010
Iwanna take a cooking class. Doable, don't you think? But here's what makes it Iwanna crazy. Iwanna cooking class with my own personal, professional chef teacher. Who you ask? None other than the IRON CHEF himself....Bobby Flay!!!

*sigh* Isn't he dreamy? Ok...I know, he's married, that's why I only want to cook with him. And I totally mean in the kitchen! C'mon...get your minds out of the gutter!
And my final Iwanna wish for 2010 is for everyone who reads my blog, or at least glances at the pictures. (See, Iwanna isn't selfish, she can Iwanna on behalf of others!)
#6 - Iwanna in 2010
What Iwanna is to wish everyone the following. . .

From Iwanna,

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