Tuesday, June 1, 2010

I so miss blogging! But my Baby Girl is fine!

Thanks to all you wonderful friends that commented on my previous post and/or emailed me with your good wishes, thoughts and prayers.

My daughter came through her surgery well and according to her doctor who spoke to me after the surgery she should be just fine!

I must admit it was a longggggggg day on Friday. I was up at 5am to shower and get ready to leave by 6am. My mom accompanied me and we made it to Turlock by 9:30am. April was to be at the hospital by 10:30 so we had just enough time to drive her around to do some last minute banking and dog food shopping :-)

They took her back to get her all prepped for surgery & we finally got to see her again at about 11:30 and by noon they took her into surgery. Mom and I headed for the cafeteria to try to force ourselves to eat something. Then back to the waiting room until about 3:30 or so when the doctor came out and let us know everything went well.

After about another hour we got to go be with April in recovery. She was still a little groggy so we sat with her and fed her crackers and tried to get her to drink water and juice. Finally she seemed almost herself & they helped to get her dressed and I ran limped out to the car to drive up to the exit...and of course...wouldn't you know it....I left my lights on and the battery was DEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I immediately called my mom & told her what happened and to ask them to not release April yet. Mom said, "But we're already outside waiting for you and April is in a wheelchair". Oh My Gosh!!!

Feeling like the biggest failure as a mother ever; I immediately called road service and they said someone would be there in 30 minutes.

As the hospital had already released her they couldn't take her back in so they brought her by wheelchair to the car and helped her get into the front passenger seat. Luckily she was still on happy drugs and not in any pain, she just closed her eyes and fell asleep. The hospital called Security to see if they could come and help (they never even showed up).

But GM Auto Club is the best EVER. I had told them the details about having a freshly surgeried (hmm, is that a word? Kind of looks like sugary, hahaha) daughter in the car and kid you not, they were there in 15 minutes and saved the day. (But I still felt like the biggest failure as a mother EVER! What kind of mother forgets to turn off the lights??? When she knows her daughter is having surgery?)

Anyway...It was a long day. But that's OK cause my baby is fine and I'm back to work today and at lunch. I'm feeling better but having my leg out of commission was no fun when I had to help take care of April. Thank God for my mom!!

I'll try to blog when I can at lunch, but after sitting behind a desk for 8 hours, at the end of the day I just want to lay down and rest. I miss you all and trust me, I do read your posts on my cell phone in bed but for some reason I can't comment!! Of course, story of my life.

To my family in Arizona that held a big graduation celebration this past weekend; you have no idea how much we wanted to be there. We hope it was a wonderful time for everyone and I want to see lots of pictures!!! Please call my mom and let her know who was there and how it went. She misses you all!

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