Monday, June 14, 2010

I won't wear ugly shoes!

For those who haven't been reading the few posts I've written for the past couple of months, I'll bring you up to date.

I'm an old crippled woman! Seven weeks ago I was an active, healthy, spry, energetic, vital woman...and now I'm an old crippled woman!

Why? How? You ask. Well ...simply put, Sciatica. Sciatica kicked my butt and made me an old crippled woman! Now instead of being active, healthy and spry; I'm limping and making groaning noises when I get out of a chair. Instead of being energetic and vital I get exhausted simply by taking a shower or making my bed!
Ahhh, the good old days are behind me now, at least until this pain goes away and I am back to normal.

One of the downfalls to having sciatica is that I can no longer wear my pretty shoes. Now I'll admit it, I'm vain. I like to look good. I enjoy wearing pretty things. I won't leave the house without full makeup and my hair being done. But Sciatica has taken that all away from me, like a thief in the night, like the income tax man on April 15th, like...well you get the picture.

Because of the weakness in my left leg I have to be very careful when I walk, especially if I'm going up stairs because that leg will suddenly just give out and I crumble like a wet noodle! Awww but Vanity, thy name is woman.

For the past three weeks I have been forced to go to work in one of two pairs of pants I own that are short enough that I can wear my Skechers Sneakers. The ones that resemble these.
I have to wear the lowest heel possible so that I don't die from the pain of walking and also so that I don't fall down. Saturday I decided that I would try to find some dressier black shoes with no heels. Something that would still make me feel sleek and feminine, ok... maybe not sleek cause that would take more than shoes but you know what I mean. Unfortunately, most of the shoes with flat heels all fell under the category of shoes like these:

Oh may have made me cry and beg for mercy; you may have made me writhe in pain and go days without a shower. You may have made me leave my house with no makeup and greasy hair on the way to the emergency room and to physical therapy. You may have made me dizzy and groggy with your need for medication...but I tell you this!!! God is my witness...I will never wear ugly shoes!!!!

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