Monday, August 23, 2010

And the winnings keep on coming!

A few weeks ago, Kathryn with From the Inside...Out was contacted to review a book. Not just any book, a very special book written by a very special lady, Lucille O'Neal. Lucille O'Neal is the mother of none other than...the Shaq! Shaquille O'Neal, the NBA superstar!

Kathryn not only received an autographed copy of the book, she also received four more autographed copies to share with her blog buds! And since she has more than four blog buds she had to have a drawing and her boys got to draw names out of a hat. And the best part? I won one of the books!

Last week I came home and found a package from Kathryn, all the way from New York!

I started to read the book this weekend but because it was such a busy weekend I only got through the first chapter. But so far it's very interesting and easy to read (and by easy to read I don't mean the words are small, but rather that it grabs your attention right away). I'll do another book review once I get through the book.

Thanks Kathryn for having friends in high places! I meant it when I said that I hope you get many, many more requests to endorse products, especially as you mentioned from wineries and breweries. We truly are kindred spirits!

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