Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Iwanna Wednesday - Iwanna New Computer!

I had this great Iwanna post started, photos and all but then last night when I got home and logged on my computer was slower than me climbing stairs...and that's pretty darned slow! I also keep getting an error message that says something like...  "A script on this page may be busy, or it may have stopped responding. You can stop the script now, or you can continue to see if the script will complete."

Isn't a script what you take to the pharmacy to get your meds? And why is the script busy? What's it doing? And you have two choices of what the problem is, either the script is busy or it may have stopped??? What? Thats like saying that guy laying in the middle of the road is either busy, or his heart may have stopped! You can't be busy and/or stopped!

But anyway, I would click continue and I would click stop. I defragg'd, I ran spyware checks, I ran virus scans, I cleaned the monitor with equal parts of vinegar and water and canned aired the keyboard, but still it wouldn't let me so anything. So I quit and went to go watch Reba! So that's why no GREAT Iwanna post today!

Now I'm on my lunch hour, eating my left over chile colorado burrito with beans & rice left over from my Margarita Day yesterday and I'm writing this post on my work PC.

And since it's Iwanna Wednesday I think I'm going to end this here cause Iwanna some Pecans & Praline Ice Cream from Baskin-Robbins which is right down the street. Can I get you some? What flavor?

Happy Wednesday and may all your Iwanna wishes come true!

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