Sunday, September 19, 2010

Mosaic Monday - Photo Shoot

I've been dying to put together a mosaic of a photo shoot my daughter April scheduled for her Shih-Poo puppy Chorizo. This was in May of this year but I've just now gotten all the photos downloaded and the mosaics put together.

Chorizo is hard to photograph as she tends to always look away from the camera at the precise time you hit the button to take the picture. Not sure how this photographer did it, but he took some really beautiful pictures.

I was amazed at how well behaved she is, the secret is that while the photographer was taking the pictures, my daughter was holding up treats. That's what Chorizo is staring at so intently!

But hours and hours of posing and smiling for the camera can bring out the bad side of even someone as adorable as dear little Chorizo, as witnessed by these photos taken by the paparazzi!

"Whoever said you can't buy happiness forgot little puppies."
Gene Hill 

Linking up to Mosaic Monday hosted by Mary of Little Red House, please click here to see what other mosaics people have done. Have a great week!

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