Thursday, September 16, 2010

To Busy to Blog and I'm not Happy About It!

Blogging is my favorite hobby and I've been so busy I haven't had time for it. That makes me sad!

Sunday I had dinner with old friends that I hadn't seen in almost five years. Food was great but when did everyone get old and have nothing to talk about besides grandchildren, politics and retirement? Good thing the food was yummy. I'm eating there again tonight with my daughter and her friend Mary!

Monday night I met up with my sister and my mom to do our Walmart run since I was busy all weekend. We had dinner at Dennys first cause mom loves her some Dennys! My sisters two boys Sean and Isaac came with them, they're both so handsome and such good eaters!

Tuesday night I went to the Grocery Outlet store to see what kind of Fall Decorations and Candles they had because you can usually find them pretty cheap. I had planned to make it a quick stop and shop but my daughter met me and then she came home with me along with the precious puppy Chorizo and we had Pizza and Breadsticks at my house and played with the puppy.

Wednesday night my sister Lisa made dinner for our dad at her house and I joined them. She made tostadas and they were delicious. She also put some jalapeno poppers and beef taquitos in the oven which were nice little side dishes. We visited with my dad and caught up on what's going on with him. Sean and Isaac joined us for dinner as well.

Tonight I'm going to go get my hair cut and then heading over to have dinner with April and her friend Mary, so I'm sure I won't have time for blogging again tonight, but I will have good food and a cute hairstyle and get to visit with Mary.

Tomorrow night and this weekend I'm going to be taking it easy as my thrifting buddy, my mom is super sick with a summer cold and she's probably not going to feel like getting out at all.

Dear little blogger...please be patient. Wait for me. I miss you!!!


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