Saturday, December 25, 2010

Dengarlah Di Padang Sunyi / Listen In A Quiet Field


Dengarlah di padang sunyi,
lagu pujian merdu.
Bergemalah di angkasa,
Warta dari surga.

Kemuliaan kepada Allah (3x)
Dan damai di bumi kepada orang.
Tampaklah duta surgawi,
pada para gembala.
Yang hidupnya bersahaja,
Namun hatinya murni. (Chorus)

Pergilah ke kota Daud,
dan lihat di kandang.
Seorang bayi yang lemah,
Peyelamat terjanji. (Chorus)

Memuji Sri Yesus Tuhan,
membawa perdamaian.
Siapa yang cinta padaNya,
mendapat bahagia. (Chorus).


Listen in a quiet field,
sweet celestial songs of praise.
And resounding in the skies,
A proclamation of joy.

Glory be to God on high (3x)
And peace to all people here on earth.
From the heavens the angels came,
to the shepherds in the fields.
Though they lived very humble lives,
their hearts were noble and pure. (Chorus)

Come to Bethlehem and see,
come and see in a manger.
Come behold a helpless babe,
the promised saviour from God. (Chorus)

Let us praise Jesus our Lord,
Bearer of goodwill and peace.
All who love and rejoice in him,
receive his blessings and joy. (Chorus)

Tune: LAHIR YESUS with glorias
Composer: Jonathan Y. Tan (b. 1969)
Text & Music copyright © 1997, Jonathan Y. Tan. All rights reserved.

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