Wednesday, December 29, 2010

聖夜靜歌 (聖夜清,聖夜靜) [Sheng Ye Qing, Sheng Ye Jing] (Holy Night, Blessed Night)

聖夜靜歌 (聖夜清,聖夜靜)

(1) 聖夜清 聖夜靜
明星燦爛 天地寧
水寂山眠 萬籟無聲

(2) 聖夜清 聖夜靜
天使顯現 牧人驚
金琴玉箏 漫天歌韻
哈利路亞 山海欲齊鳴
傳報佳音 救主降生

(3) 聖夜清 聖夜靜
仁愛 捨身 公義 和平
聖容赫華 猶如日初升
恩光輝耀 照徹乾坤

English Paraphrase: "Holy Night, Blessed Night"

(1) Holy night, blessed night
Stars shine brightly, earth is still.
Hills and valleys, field and woodlands,
All surround the small town Bethlehem.
In a manger, Christ the Lord sleeps.

(2) Holy night, blessed night,
Angels sing praise, shepherds fear,
Earth and heaven ring with praises,
Alleluia all creation sings.
Tell the good news: Christ is born now.

(3) Holy night, blessed night
Christ has come down, dwells with us.
Sacrifice, love, peace and justice.
Shine upon us like the morning sun.
Grace and glory bless the whole world.

Text: Weiyu Zhu and Jingren Wu (1921)
English paraphrase: Kathleen Moody
Music: Qigui Shy (1982)

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