Sunday, April 10, 2011

Easter Alleluia (Marty Haugen)

Alleluia alleluia, alleluia!

1. Glory to God who does wondrous things
Let all the people God's praises now sing,
All of creation in splendour shall ring: Alleluia! (refrain)

2. See how salvation for all has been won
Up from the grave our new life has begun
Life now perfected in Jesus, the Son: Alleluia! (refrain)

3. Now in our presence the Lord will appear,
Shine in the faces of all of us here,
Fill us with joy and cast out all our fear: Alleluia! (refrain)

4. Call us, Good Shepherd we listen for you
Wanting to see you in all that we do,
We would the gate of salvation pass through: Alleluia! (refrain)

5. Lord, we are open to all that you say,
Ready to listen and follow your way,
You are the potter and we are the clay: Alleluia! (refrain)

6. If we have love then we dwell in the Lord,
God will protect us from fire and sword
Fill us with love and the peace of his word:! Alleluia (refrain)

Text: Marty Haugen (1986). Copyright (c) 1986 GIA Publications, Inc.
Tune: O FILII ET FILIAE, 10.10.10 + Alleluia

See my other blog postings in the Contemporary Catholic series.

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