Thursday, April 14, 2011

I've been A.W.O.L.

So I've pretty much been absent from my little blog here. I've had the "blahs" I'm afraid. Just personal things going on that for a while now have brought my spirits down and left me with nothing but ugly, negative things in my head. Today I'm feeling a little more myself and I felt like blogging about random things because this is off the cuff, not planned or anything.

First random thought is that even though I've had the blues I've kept up with my low-carb, high-protein diet. Have I lost anymore weight? Well ...NO. But I haven't gained any either (always keeping that glass half-full over here). I have a feeling tomorrow when I weigh in I'll have lost a bit as I feel lighter, but if not, it's ok cause I know I won't cheat or revert back to my old eating habits!

Second random thought ties in with the first one. Because I have lost weight the clothing I was wearing was starting to look sloppy because it was WAY TOO BIG. Can I get a "hallelujah"? No you know what...lets all sing it, c'mon, a little sing along to lift our spirits! I've even provided the words.

See...don't you feel better now. I hope you sang that at the top of your lungs cause remember. . .

Work like you don't need the money.
Love like you've never been hurt.
Dance like no-one's watching.
Sing like no-one's listening.
Live like there's no tomorrow.
Fear like a stone.

Back to my too-big clothing. This past weekend I did what my mom loves to do. I took her thrifting. I can remember back in the old days when I used to go thrifting and I would buy all kinds of cute little nick-nacks and things for my home; dishes, cups, picture frames and assorted what-nots. But my little house is fair to bursting with stuff & I've promised myself for over a year now that I won't buy any more little treasures until I have a yard sale and clean out my garage.

I did however browse the clothing aisles and I found several items. For about $30 I scored 5 pairs of dress pants, 1 pair of capri pants and 5 blouses that can be worn to work. I'm wearing one now in fact! I know it's going to be hard to keep replacing my wardrobe as I continue to lose weight, so thrifting is perfect for me! I have new clothes (new to me) and at a fraction of the price. Aren't you proud of me?

Third random thought is this little item here:

Have any of you used this product before? I LOVE it! I am prone to oily skin but as I love to wear makeup I had a hard time wiping the oiliness off without removing the makeup as well and ending up at the end of the day as this bland, colorless, beige person. Now, thanks to these, I just gently blot the oiliness away and it really does not smudge or remove makeup!!! You all have got to try these. (Thanks April for turning me on to these little gems!)

And one more little thing...because I'm being better at what I eat I realize I need to drink more water. Problem is, I hate water...Yuk! I mean I can drink it if I have to, or if I get thirsty, but I was lucky if I would drink 16 ounces in a week! Now I'm drinking water like its going out of style and these are the reason why.

Have you guys tried these??? I love them, especially the Wild Strawberry flavor! Ok, so that's all the random thoughts I have for today. I hope to begin my little blogging adventure again in the next few days as I still have things to share from my trip to Sacramento and I have a couple of book reviews and stuff. I also haven't done an Iwanna Wednesday in a while and I miss them.
Thanks for sticking by me. I know many of you continue to come check to see if I've posted anything new and I appreciate it. Hugs to all of you my friends, family, followers and readers!

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