Friday, January 20, 2012

The Strength of a Family

In time of test, family is best. ~Burmese Proverb

There is nothing like family and I am so proud of mine. In the past few weeks, sons, daughters, in-laws and nieces and nephews have all banded together selflessly to help our aging parents.

My dad suffered a mini-stroke two weeks ago and we all realized that dad needed help and care. Everyone pitched in and we have had multiple family meetings to decide, with dad's input what would be best for him.

Dad will be making some changes in his living arrangement and I'm hoping this new arrangement will allow me to spend more time with him as he will be not too far from my office and I can visit him on my lunch hours and after work. I'll also be more available to help with taking him to doctor's appointments and shopping.

Not more than an hour ago my house was filled with my two brothers and their wives and my sister and her husband, myself and my mom to get mom's input on what her needs and desires are as far as her and my dad's family home that they own.

Mom also will be making some changes in her living arrangements as will I. It's going to be a rough couple of months with getting dad all situated in his new home and getting myself and my mom situated in our new home as blogging time is going to be scarce, plus American Idol just started this week and neither snow, nor rain, nor heat, nor gloom of night will keep this lady from watching her some American Idol!

Mostly I just want to record this moment in time for our family and how we all came together, no bickering, no jealousy, no demands....just everyone banding together to help our parents. Thanks to all my family members, I love you all and you are all the greatest treasure that I could have been blessed with!

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