Sunday, May 20, 2012

Every little thing they do is magic...

Well....  I guess better late than never. Last Sunday I was planning on writing this wonderful tribute to my mother (considering it WAS mother's day and all). Obviously that didn't happen. I was feeling rather guilty and as though I had majorly dropped the ball, when I realized, heck--- there shouldn't be only ONE specific day in the year where I recognize and show gratitude for my mother's influence. My mother has blessed my life  SO much, and to be honest, I think about her example EVERY DAY. 

I have also realized that there are multiple women in my life who have played a "motherly" role than just my "mom"alone. I truly have so much to be grateful for. 

These women are smart, beautiful, thoughtful, examples of believers, 
courageous, faithful, and above all else... 
they are in every sense of the word....LOVING. 

If only I could be half as wonderful as these women, 
I would feel like a success. 

 Brenda Lynne Cosgrove 
(aka. momizzle, aka. monacita, aka. my wonderful mother)

If I am to be 100% honest, I can't begin sincerely talking about the example of my mother without getting a little choked up. My mother is amazing. I am not sure words can adequately express how grateful or appreciative I am for her influence in my life. She has taught me first hand what it means to be loved unconditionally. No matter where I have been or what I have been doing in life, my mother has been there for me. To encourage and support me. She has taught me to never sell myself short and that I am capable of "great things". She has always loved me with all of her heart... and her children with all of her soul. She would sacrifice day and night for the happiness and comfort of others around her. 

My mother is courageous. She has endured trials that I would never be able to endure--- trials that take SO much strength and diligence. I am so grateful for my mother's example of faith. As I have watched her over the years, I have learned from her testimony that Heavenly Father's plan is REAL... That He loves us and is aware of us on a daily basis...That I truly am a daughter of a King. 

She has always been a constant example of someone who is willing to go out of her way to help others around her. She is selfless, she is strong, she is loving, she is kind.

Mom, I can't tell you how grateful I am for your influence in my life. 
You are my hero. You are my example. 
One day I hope to be half the woman you are--- I love you. 


Michelle Lynn Aitken
(aka. my amazingly kind, second mother)

When I first met this woman, I had no idea she would be my future mother in law. To be completely honest, she totally intimidated me. I looked at her with so much "awe" and respect... She is was SO intelligent, SO organized, SO driven, and had SO much love for her family. I wondered how I would be able to live up to her "expectations". Boy was I silly for thinking that. She is also one of the most kind and accepting women I have ever met.  I feel so grateful that she welcomed me into her family with arms of love.

One of the things I admire the most about Michelle is her desire to help those around her. She is kind and selfless with her time, resources, and love. I have learned what true charity means, just from watching her example and interactions with others. 

She especially cares for her family. I hope that one day I will be able to posses the same time of concern and love she has for each one of her family members.She is so sensitive to people's needs around her and always willing to go out of her way to help those in need.

Michelle, I love the time that I get to spend with you. 
I have learned so much from your example. 
I can't thank you enough for the impact you have had in my life--- I love you!


Verda Jean Cosgrove
(aka. nanizzle, aka. schweetie, aka. VJ, aka. my sweet nana)

Even though geographical we aren't close, this woman has had SUCH an impact on my life (who am I kidding, this woman has had an impact on SO many lives).

When I think about the woman I hope to one day be, I always envision my Nana. She is SO wise, she is SO classy, she is SO thoughtful, she is SO loving. She is the most beautiful and gracious woman I know. Even though she may be small, this lady makes a big impact. Everyone adores my Nana. Everyone. 

One thing I love the most about my Nana is her unwavering testimony. All growing up, if I ever had a concern or needed a chat, I knew I could call her up. She would always give me the best advice and it was ALWAYS tied into the gospel. She taught me that living the gospel is a life-long principle. She helped me recognize my true worth. She is amazing- I can't put it any other way. 

Even with a buddle of children, grandchildren, and GREAT grandchildren, she finds ways to show us all the same amount of support and love.

Nana, you will never understand how much you have influenced my life. 
You have taught me what true faith looks like. 
You have taught me what selfless love looks like
You are an exemplary women to so many around you. 
Words can't express how grateful I am to have you in my life --- I love you!


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