Tuesday, May 8, 2012

The Vision, The Goal, The Destination.

Words can't express how proud I am of Brett. He is such a hard worker and full of determination.
 I remember when I was in high school and dating Brett, I would always ask him about his future goals. 
He would always tell me how he wanted to be like his dad and to be an accountant. 
I have always known that Brett is brilliant and capable of achieving any goal he desired. 
I am so grateful for Brett and admire his conviction. Throughout the past two years--- our vision and 
ultimate goal has been to get Brett through school and on to his career as an accountant.
 It has definitely been a fun journey and great learning experience.
  As we have pushed our way through the "Junior Core", getting into grad school, and not going into debt throughout the process, we have really grown to be better teammates.We have learned to depend on one another for support, and learned to push together towards a positive goal. As our "student" journey will be coming to a close next year, I am starting to realize how much we have both grown throughout the process. 

For me personally, I feel that I have learned to be less selfish. Throughout my entire life,
 I have been the kind of person who has wanted to excel in every aspect. I always pictured myself being
an independent career driven woman. Not to say that is a bad goal... I am just realizing now that Heavenly Father has had other lessons for me to learn besides being a successful career woman. 
I can say that this process has taught me how to be a better and more supportive wife.
 I have learned that Brett's successes are my successes.
It has taught me to put someone else, besides myself, first. I have begun to realize how important Brett's career will bless us and our future family. It will bless us in our abilities to provide and also serve the Lord.
When we were first married I remember thinking to myself, "boy, I can't wait until we are no longer students and Brett isn't having to stay up late studying and I won't have to work as much and we won't need to save so much money and, and, and...". 

Now I am beginning to realize how sweet this time is in our lives, 
and how much I am going to miss it all when it's over. 

We both knew an internship would be an important part of Brett getting ready for his career. We knew it would provide some good "real life" experience. We were both thrilled when he got an offer to go and work for Deloitte in Phoenix for a 4 month time period (Brett was gone from January to April of this year). During his time at Deloitte,  Brett loved the experience and loved the opportunity he had to be able to put into practice the things he had learned in the classroom.

After four long months of being separated, it was SO nice to be able to have Brett home. It's true what they say- "Absence makes the heart grow fonder." I was definitely excited to be able to have Brett home permanently in April (and not just because the plants were dying:)). I am always so grateful for these opportunities Heavenly Father provides me with to be able to focus on cherishing the time I get to be able to spend with Brett!

On the last day of his internship, the partners of the accounting firm took Brett out to a special dinner. During the dinner they offered Brett a full time position at Deloitte (when Brett finishes his graduate at BYU). We were both obviously THRILLED about the offer, and Brett graciously accepted.  As I mentioned before, I could not be more proud of Brett. (This is a picture of a plate I made! When Brett arrived home, there was a giant batch of rolor cookies waiting for him on it.)

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