Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Weeknight Activity: Project Runway (YW Style)

Can I just say that I have LOVED working with the young women thus far.
The youth truly inspire me. When I was first called to be the yw president in my ward I was super
 nervous... the magnitude and responsibility of the calling really made me feel SO overwhelmed.
 Even though the calling is keeping me really busy, I feel as though I am learning so much.
I adore the girls. They teach me so much on a daily basis. They each have so many strengths
and I admire their courage to stand strong in the face of adversity. They are beautiful. They are
 examples of believers. I can't help but feel and think to myself just how much their Heavenly
 Father loves them as I watch and interact with them.
The youth of the church are amazing! 

Sometimes I feel as though we can get caught up in trying to understand the deeper meanings
 behind the principles of the gospel, when in all actuality, they are simple and direct. Being able to
 serve with the youth has reminded me of this. The Church of Jesus Christ is TRUE and
 it's principles ARE simple.  If you want an amazing experience just start interacting with the
youth of the church. They will remind you of the foundation of your testimony.

For instance, these past couple weeks we have been talking a lot about how we as women
can support young men who hold the priesthood. I was so impressed with the girls when they came
up with the idea that they could be more modest.  We decided this week to incorporate
some of our lesson to the activity and let me tell you, it was a huge success.
We called the activity "Project Runway- Young Women Style". It was seriously a blast!

For the activity we split the young women up into groups of three
 (there were about 5 girls to a team... 4 designers and 1 model). 
The girls had 30 minutes to design a head to toe MODEST ensemble. 
What was the catch? Well everyone knows that project runway doesn't hand out the 
easiest of designing assignments. Usually there is always a twist or some type of absurd 
material they are having to create with. For this YW assignment we gave each team a bag 
filled with random materials (some of which included duct tape, tissue paper, toilet paper,
 ribbon, decorative scissors, etc). Boy, did the girls give a new definition to "making it work". 
They came up with the cutest and most creative modest outfits! Below is a picture of the models
 from each team. Following the design process, we held our own mini fashion show. 
Everyone had a great time and it was such a blast! 

I just love getting to spend time with these girls. They always make me smile. 
They make me want to stand a little taller. They make me want to share my testimony more often.
 They make me want to be a happier person and to be more grateful for the things I have in my life.
 I can't express enough how grateful I am for them 
and their examples and for the opportunity that
 I get to serve them. 
It truly is a sweet and tender blessing in my life. 

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