It is so much easier to be nice, to smile, to open the door for someone else, to stop and let a car get in front of you in heavy traffic, to give someone the shopping cart and you grab the next one.
I'm not the nicest, most polite person in the world, nope...that honor belongs to my sister who has the biggest heart and the nicest smile. Me...I have to try because most of the time I am pretty self absorbed, but I do try.
Today after work, I stopped at the grocery store to pick up some baked chicken drumsticks because I have been craving them all day and I love the ones that WinCo Grocery Store bakes in their Deli Department, they are huge and seasoned to perfection.
I'm in my car looking for a parking space. The parking lot is such that there is a row of parked cars to my right and to my left and instead of being parked at an angle, they are parked straight across from each other, something like this.
So I'm heading north and another car is heading south and we come to the space shown above that I've labeled "My Space". I put on my turn signal, even though it's a parking lot letting them know I am going to take the parking space. I did this because I saw there was another space exactly across, I didn't just try to steal the space, even though we both got there first and I had the right to the parking since they would have had to cross in front of me to use it. So I park and they park in the space across from me.
We both exit our cars at the same time and I smile at them and say, "I wasn't trying to steal the parking spot, I knew there was another one right across for you." And the woman says, "Then why didn't YOU take it?" And still being nice I say, "I didn't want to cross in front of you so I figured it would be easier for us each to take the space on our side." And she said, "Oh yeah, well isn't that just a great excuse", then she turns her back to me and walks off and her husband muttered something and they laughed and I had to bite my tongue to keep from saying, "What did you say?"
That ruined my whole shopping experience and made me sad. That a complete stranger would be rude and ugly to another complete stranger over a stupid parking spot! Why do people have to be ugly to each other? I just don't get it!
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