Tuesday, March 19, 2013

基督已復活 (泰澤 / Taizé)

啊... 基 督 已 復 活, Alleluia.
o... gei1 duk1 ji5 fuk6 wut6, alleluia.
(O, Surrexit Christus, Allleluia!)

啊.... 來 歌 頌 讚 美 主 , Alleluia!
o... loi4 go1 zung6 zaan3 mei5 zyu2, alleluia.
(O... Cantate Domino, Alleluia!)

Verses: Daniel/但以理書/達尼爾先知書 3; Psalm/詩篇/聖詠 118

See original version: Surrexit Christus

Music: Jacques Berthier (English bio) (French bio)

See my other blog postings in the "Taizé" series of chants.

Official Taizé Community Website

Wikipedia information on the Taizé Community
- in French
- in English

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