Thursday, December 18, 2008

Christmas is almost here!!!

So Christmas is almost here, are you ready? I know I'm not! Darn it and I was really planning to be ready this year. But I still have two more gifts I need to get, nothing is wrapped, I didn't bake anything yet. Not to mention we have three birthdays this month. One super important mom. Then my baby brother and his little girl Clarissa *sigh*.

I didn't even make it yet to tour the lights at Hagin Oaks or to see the lights at Calm. I haven't even driven around Shafter to see the local lights.

Tomorrow is our office Christmas party and I'm sort of prepared for it as I just finished wrapping my Secret Santa present. Why does Christmas always sneak up on us like this.

Next year will be different! As God is my witness I'll never be hungry again....huh? Oh, wait...that's a movie. What I mean is As God is my witness next year I'm going to be better prepared. I'm going to shop for Christmas presents all throughout the year. That way I'll have a lot of time to bake and decorate and enjoy Christmas!

That's the plan, lets see if I'm not writing this same post next year this time.

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